In Navarre, at the foot of the Urbasa and Andia mountain ranges, our ancestral spring salt is born.
The origin of our salt flats makes them unique, a sea fossilised 220 million years ago; their location at an altitude of 700 metres in a Pre-Pyrenean area, where the unspoilt surroundings means their quality is guaranteed; and their 100% hand-harvesting process, which has remained in tact generation after generation. Each year, we extract the salt following a tradition that respects nature and the richness of this unique spring.
The legacy of a family of master salters.
Behind our Ancestral spring salt lies the legacy of a family of master salters who have maintained the artisan tradition of producing pure salt. Without any chemical processes or industrial machinery, it is their expert hands and knowledge passed down through the generations that shapes such a unique product. This is how our salt was born, a true phenomenon of nature.